QQI programme tutors wanted
We're currently collating details of suitably qualified tutors to teach on QQI programmes at schools within the NACED/Adult Education Ireland network. If you would like to find out more, and are interested in being added to our tutor database, please complete the form below, and a member of the NACED executive will contact you. By completing this form, you agree to your information being shared with executive members to call you back. Once you have spoken to a member of the team, and they are satisfied that you meet the criteria, you will be asked to provide consent to be added to a database which will be shared with Adult Education directors at schools running QQI courses. Being added to the database does not guarantee work. You can request to be removed from the database at any time.
Hobby tutors wanted to teach evening courses
Our schools are always looking for new tutors. If you feel you have the skills, knowledge and passion to teach an adult education course, please get in touch with your local school(s) (you'll find locations and contact details on our homepage), or complete the form below. Schools within our network are often looking for yoga, Pilates, Spanish, pottery, stained glass, cookery and French tutors.